Samantha Ahern, Alistair Cooper, Coco Nijhoff
University College London
Learning Technologists' Anti-Racism Tool
Now, more than ever it is important to explore practical ways to examine and interrogate digital content in the curriculum through the lens of geographic, racial, and other forms of bias. Throught the development of Learning Technologists' Anti-racism Tool we begin exploring what we in the learning technology community can do to address racism in our own field.
The tool will introduce ways of thinking about content through the lens of learning design processes that existing frameworks encompass. We aim for this to be a simple tool for reflection in considering ways to address ant-racist practice in your role generally. The tool can also be used to promote conversation across teams so as to engage colleagues with the idea of anti-racism in learning technology.
In the session we will discuss why we believe this tool is necessary, it's evolution and introduce you to the latest version of the tool.